I to have been blessed with unwanted porn pop ups along with many other unwanted pop ups and have gotten several unwanted folders. I went to a software called ada-ware from www. lavasoftusa.com. It lets you go back and look at any time frame to see if any software  has been added to your computer. You will be very surprised what gets added without your knowledge. It will then let you remove what was just added. It does a complete search of where every item  was changed and or added so that you can remove it from the stream. Works for me. Check it out to see if it will do what you want before downloading. It is a FREE download.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Computer, not golf

Do you really want thingys? :)


Al Taylor wrote:
Mr. Burgess esq.  put me onto ZA.  I believe it was in direct response to my below described problem.  I think it has most all of it under control.  Trouble is, I don't get anymore unwanted porn thingys. ;-)


At 06:28 PM 2/3/2003, you wrote:
A little off topic,
but Zone alarm keeps those pop ups under control and can be set to not allow dls unless you allow them.


Al Taylor wrote:
I had the same thing happen to me.  Somehow a porn site widow opened up on the screen while I was visiting a rather innocuous site.  Every time I tried to close the window two others opened up.  In a matter of just a minute, I had about twenty icons in my tool bar and they all were porn sites.  I shut the machine down and rebooted.  All was ok when it came back up but I noticed an odd folder in my favorites.  I opened the folder and there was a huge complete additional favorites folder with about 10 sub folders and several links in each sub folder.  When I checked the properties on each one, they all had a common thread. 
Took me awhile to get rid of them all.  I did a search on the name I found in the properties and found several other references to that name.  I eventually deleted them all.  Just wish there was a way to send that site a small cyber bomb. ;-)


 At 01:58 PM 2/3/2003, you wrote:
I think it's called a parasite T'Flan! I got one on my computer and it kept downloading stuff, changing my home page, and adding stuff until it almost filled up my hard drive! It's called a parasite because it hitches a ride on something you DID want to download and it just tags along! Took me almost 14 hours to get it totally off the machine! Do a Google.com search on Computer Parasites and you'll find what I am talking about.
Ed J.
----- Original Message -----
From: tflan
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Computer, not golf

Yeah, maybe so, but it pisses me off that I can't get rid of it. Every part of the thing, whatever the hell it is, is gone from the computer. I was on drugstore.com site a couple days ago and the screen flickered, and a warning came up. "Danger" or something like that. I didn't pay much attention to it until I got off line. Then I see a shortcut to some friggin' porno site on my screen, and another thing on the tool bar. I clicked on the toolbar thing and the modem went into action. I shut the computer down instantly and rebooted. I dragged the shortcut to the wastebasket and went to msconfig/startup. There, on the startup menu was this .exe file. I unchecked it and started a folder search. Found one called "dial up" or something like that. Deleted it. Rebooted. Did another search for any combination of words in the startup menu. Couldn't find another instance of it, but its still on the startup page. I realize it can't run since everything assoctiated with it has been deleted, but it still pisses me off.
This "thing" got on my machine in less than a couple of seconds. It isn't a virus. Norton's latest updates scanned the computer and found nothing. I don't know what a "trojan" is - a virus, I suppose, but this .exe file sure got on my machine in a big hurry.
----- Original Message -----
From: Corey Bailey
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Computer, not golf
Once you have un-checked the box in front of the line of copy, that command is no longer loaded.
If just having the unused command line there still bothers you, you should see the clutter left in your registry.
You can always have Norton System Works (or like software) clean up your registry but, as far as I know, you aint gonna get rid of that line in your start up menu anytime soon.
Besides, you got better things to do with your time that is left than worry about dust bunnies in your start up menu.
At 05:40 PM 2/2/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Got a problem. Maybe a windows guru can help. I have a line of typing on my startup menu I want to get rid of. This isn't the "Start" button at the bottom of the tool bar. Its the one I get when I type "run/msconfig/startup" I've removed the program from the computer, I've run every "find" function I can think of, and I've unchecked the box at the head of the line of print. I want to get rid of the printed line as well. I've tried highlighting and deleting but it doesn't do anything.
How can I get rid of this line of type?

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