Gee Arnie, I never thought about a Tempilstik.  We use them in the auto body repair industry to monitor the temperature of high strength steel while it's being heated and straightened.  Tempilstiks come in many temperatures, the one we use the most is around 1000ºF, but as you said they also come in much lower temperatures.
Frank mentioned Temilaq.  It's a liquid version that dries on the surface.  When the desired temperature is reached it liquifies.  Very easy to use.
Here's one other possiblility but it's limited in it's temperature range.  Lord Fusor makes a reusable "Heat Monitoring Strip" that is a small rectangular piece of plastic with an adhesive backing on it.  It's colored black but as the temperature reaches 140ºF the one edge of the strip begins to turn color.  When the temperature is 194ºF the color has spread across the whole strip.  As it cools, the new color gradually disappears across the strip and it eventually all turns black again.  Perhaps this is too low of a temperature range for epoxy release??  It's available at any body shop supplier that sells Fusor plastic repair materials.
Chris Burns
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: ShopTalk: Great new find

I would like to share this will all.
The product is called a "Tempilstik" 250 Degree F  Have been using it for over 50 head pullings with fantastic success. Simply heat the hosel in normal manner, touch the Tempilstik to the hosel, if it melts, set down heat source and PULL.. It indicates that the right temperature has been reached. NO OVERHEATING and NO UNDERHEATING. Cost approx $10 at any welding supply distributor. Lasts for years in our type of use!

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