At our club about 30% left handed golfers.  We live in South-western Ontario, about 1 hour north of K-W and 2 hours NW of Toronto, ON.
My son Duane pointed out that all competitors (5 guys) in the 'A' flight for our local Club Championship are all left handed players.  No RH'ers!
Duane won the event (again) by shooting a 66 and tied the tournament course record.  That day he only need 23 putts.  I was his caddie. :>)
Thanks Harry S
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Andy Ruigh
Sent: February 1, 2004 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: RH vs LH Golf / Other

Harry, "Only in Canada!"   I always "blame" my lefty-ness on my Canadian mom.  :-)  Actually I wear my Canadian background very proudly. 
What is the percentage of lefty golfers there?  Seems like I remember hearing over 20%.  Is that correct? 
I definitely notice more and more young lefties here in central MN.  Maybe lefty stuff is more available now, maybe parents are more open to letting their kids play the "right" way.  Maybe it is because of all of the youth hockey around here. 
My ability as a lefty, slap-hitting baseball player definitely kills my lefty golf swing.  Too many years of letting that left hand stay under the right on the swing.  I think I see my target lines better lefty, either because of the left eye dominance or the many years playing lefty.  I keep threatening that I can fix that natural fade and play lefty again, but I doubt it will happen.  But I will admit that having my son play lefty sure gives me reason to think about it.  But then again, it will probably help his game to not see me swing lefty!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:01 PM
Subject: RE: ShopTalk: RH vs LH Golf / Other

Andy, that's quite the leftie / rightie lineup in your family . thanks for sharing.
A couple of year ago my 2 sons went to the golf course with 6 of their friends.
They had two foursomes.  Of the 8 players, only my youngest son Dwight golfed RH.
Thanks Harry S
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Andy Ruigh
Sent: January 31, 2004 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Super Concorde

I just have to jump in on this one.  Here is my family's screwy lineup:
Dad: throws right, golfs right, eats and writes lefty.
Mom (Canadian): Everything righty, except golf and batted lefty.
1 sister: same as mom.
2 sisters: righty everything
Me: Same as mom, until 8-9 years ago.  (I'm also left eye dominant)  Switched to golfing righty.   I was always able to hit from both sides. (Don't even go there, guys!)  My first "group" of clubs was both lefty and righty, so I'd go out in the field and knock it around with all of the clubs.  My driving distance righty is 40-60 yard longer, and I'm two clubs longer in the irons hitting righty.  My handicap lefty was between 15 and 18 over the years.  Righty, it was immediately 18-20, now is 10.6.  Could be single-digit if I could freakin' putt!
My nephew: does everything righty, but has a beautiful lefty golf swing.  When I bought him his first tee-ball set, he used to whack it from either side equally.  I'm sure he'd golf better lefty.
My son: Like me, righty, except golfs and bats lefty.  A chip off the old block! 
When I was in high school, we started a lineup that batted 7 lefties at one point.  Must have been something in the water......

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