I just have to jump in on this one.  Here is my family's screwy lineup:
Dad: throws right, golfs right, eats and writes lefty.
Mom (Canadian): Everything righty, except golf and batted lefty.
1 sister: same as mom.
2 sisters: righty everything
Me: Same as mom, until 8-9 years ago.  (I'm also left eye dominant)  Switched to golfing righty.   I was always able to hit from both sides. (Don't even go there, guys!)  My first "group" of clubs was both lefty and righty, so I'd go out in the field and knock it around with all of the clubs.  My driving distance righty is 40-60 yard longer, and I'm two clubs longer in the irons hitting righty.  My handicap lefty was between 15 and 18 over the years.  Righty, it was immediately 18-20, now is 10.6.  Could be single-digit if I could freakin' putt!
My nephew: does everything righty, but has a beautiful lefty golf swing.  When I bought him his first tee-ball set, he used to whack it from either side equally.  I'm sure he'd golf better lefty.
My son: Like me, righty, except golfs and bats lefty.  A chip off the old block! 
When I was in high school, we started a lineup that batted 7 lefties at one point.  Must have been something in the water......
----- Original Message -----
From: bob boone
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: ShopTalk: Super Concorde

Jen and Royce

As a data point my Father was a lefty that when he was in grade school (about 1911 or so) was forced to switch to RH for penmanship, which was common then. He was a true switch hitter in baseball and used a shovel or axe either way. When he took up golf, he discovered that he could hit woods better lefty than RH but hit irons better RH than LH—so he played with LH woods and RH irons!!!! Talk about strange looks from people he played with!!!  I am RH and have a daughter that is LH and she could kick soccer balls equally well with either foot!! She married a PGA Club Pro and they could never figure out which way her clubs should be—LH or RH as she could do either!! I still find LH scissors she left at home, which are impossible for RH person to use!!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jen Kuntz
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Super Concorde


I am not a natural left at anything athletic but I've always wondered if I could play left handed.  I played basketball in university and shot both ways (although my left hand jump shot was only good from about 7 feet) and I can throw a football with both hands.  Soccer I can kick equally with both feet which I never thought was odd until I talked to some true soccer friends who said that is a hard skill to master for most people. 

I made a cheapie lefty 5 iron once but can't find it anymore.  I should make a 7 or 8 iron if I find a bargain bin of closeout clubs some day and see if I could learn to hit left handed in golf too.


Royce Engler wrote:

I'm a lefty at most everything except golf...when I was growing up, my dad had a set of RH clubs, and told me that finding LH clubs was more than we could afford, so I learned to play LH.  Always wondered if I coulda been a contenda if I'd played LH....


Here's a factoid for ya...When I was first introduced to Mike Duggan (now with Tom Wishon, formerly with Golfsmith) I was told that he learned to play RH, then taught himself to play LH to see what it was like.



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