It's your forum, do what you like :-)

One nice thing about the current system is that it is effortless, you automatically get any posts. Not sure if your bulletin board system can do that? But that isn't a deal killer.

I'm not sure which bulletin board software you've been looking at, but I've enjoyed using Wishon's forum which uses a free system (Snitz Forums 2000).

The topics look good.



I'm considering changing and consolidating Shoptalk, and Shoptalk-Digest from the current Majordomo email setup to a bulletin board. I found an excellent program and will probably do this very soon, depending on your feedback. Growing tired of the constant spam/virus problems and think a bulletin board would be more enjoyable (although I'm sure there are problems waiting for me here, also). Most of the spam/virus problems are caught but they do sneak thru and it causes a major pain for Shoptalkers.

Here is what I was considering for the categories:

Shoptalk (general clubmaking discussion)
Equipment Discussion (reviews, etc)
19th Hole (anything goes)

As you can see, it'll still be clubmaking oriented but will also have OEM stuff and general golf. Main difference is that you'd have to go to a web page/bulletin board to get your news and gossip, instead of having it delivered to your mailbox.
Let me know if there are other categories you'd like to see and also if you'd like to change to this format or stay the same.
Email me direct (not to the list) at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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