Hi Ed!
Good to hear from you. Don't I remember you from RSG days?

At 08:12 PM 10/13/04 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
God Bless those that can understand all that math.
Who ever said that golf is a simple game?

Not I! Though my playing partner sarcastically said that today after my third-in-a-row fairway/green/2-putt par. I quieted that kind of talk immediately with three double-bogeys in the next five holes.

Here is a question:
I wonder if the Tennis or Baseball swing or the football pass, or any other sports move has been analyized as much?

Here are two answers. I sincerely believe both of them:

(1) You better believe it! Go to any major university's department of kinesiology, and take inventory of their projects. Bet you find that golf isn't in first place; probably not even the first three places. There are PLENTY of studies of baseball, football, track and field, basketball, etc.

(2) While there has been a certain amount of analysis of the golf swing, there are an awful lot of teaching pros and TV commentators spreading misinformation. That is, information contradicted by all that study. I see it all the time. So don't overestimate the amount of analysis, based on the number that people SEEM TO or CLAIM TO know about the swing. (Including me. I haven't read all those studies either, and some that I read and believe I don't really understand.)


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