If you never tried the our recommendation, and only joked about it, you will never know whether it was right or not, will you? You wouldn't be the first to be surprised that our recommendation was different then what they thought but fond it to be the answer to more distance and accuracy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/12/2005 9:24:40 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Wishon article

Hey Hacker,
 I didn't say that you are 20 Hcp. I said fitting those golfers with shafts who are 20  hcper's with that release stuff. Doesn't matter what I debate in verbage cause you have been down all those roads many times. I actually had you try to fit me and another golfer at one of the PCS shows  about htree years ago and we walked away laughing shaking our heads.
Inkind, myKey

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