In the past month or so, I have reorganized my web site somewhat and added several articles. The one I added today is of interest to these forums.

Finding Spines with a Non-Differential Instrument

Turns out you can do differential deflection TO FIND SPINES accurately, even if you have an instrument not designed for differential deflection. Here's how to do it if you have something like a Golfmechanix Auditor or Apache Multi-Match or an old NeuFinder 2. The method involves a spreadsheet, which can be downloaded from the site.

Note that this won't help if you're finding flex for trimming the shaft, or if you're getting a flex profile. All the advantages of differential deflection still apply there, but this technique doesn't work. At least it works for spine-finding.

Also, I have gotten into the physics of the swing (until now, I've kept mostly to the club and maybe ball flight). You might be interested in some of my articles on that topic, which I have added to Rod White's excellent article on the physics of the golf swing.


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