Yeah, a lot of the guys who used to haunt the site are gone. Domasky, my
email bud quit a few years ago. RK of course - Parkinson's. Damn shame too.

JanFlan's good. We celebrated our 50th last August - well, I celebrated,
she tolerated and sighed a lot ;-(

I had another heart surgery a little over a year ago - passed out on the
course. Woke up with one of my friends looking over me. I told him if he
stuck his tongue anywhere near my lips I'd kill him. He said he was just
checking for pulse so he could steal my clubs. Good friend. Ex-jarheads
stick together.

I'm not doing much club repair either. Some grips, a few shafts. Sold my
L&L machine. Now I wish I hadn't. Hindsight (as opposed to hiney sight) can
be tough.

Good to hear from ya kiddo. Keep it in the middle.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Jen Kuntz <> wrote:

>  I've missed ya Tom...
> How's she-who-must-be-obeyed? :-)
> On 30/05/2012 12:54 PM, Tom Flanagan wrote:
> So, doing anything later? :-)
>  TFlan
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Jen Kuntz <> wrote:
>>  Hello folks,
>> It's been a long time since I subscribed to this list... John set me up
>> again temporarily because I am selling off my clubmaking stuff.  Just
>> finding that other than regripping I just don't do this stuff anymore.
>> So, if there is anyone interested, or if anyone knows of anyone who is
>> interested, they can reach me at jen [at]  I'm in
>> Burlington, Ontario for reference.
>> Would prefer to sell the whole lot but open to offers on the individual
>> items of value.  Best offer, prices paid listed but meaningless :)
>> I likely won't stay on the list for long so please respond via email not
>> the list to keep the traffic down for the others!
>> Thanks,
>> Jen
>> --
>> *My Weigh i500 digital scale*
>> 500g x 0.1g capacity. Excellent quality scale, if you google it or go to
>> a website like you can see pics and more info.  Included with
>> this is a 500g calibration weight.  I bought it from Canada Weigh but they
>> don't sell it anymore. (Paid ~$100)
>> *Clubmaker's Choice Hydraulic shaft extractor*
>> THIS is an amazing puller...  (all due respect to RK who also built a
>> helluva shaft puller).  The guy who designed this has now retired but his
>> site is still active to view more info. (Paid ~$130)
>>  *Miscellaneous minor items as listed below*:
>> - Golfsmith swingweight scale
>> - Golfsmith club length & shaft tip measuring tool
>> - magnetic loft measuring device
>> - 1500 watt heatgun
>> - hacksaw with carbite tip blade
>> - grip remover tool
>> - mini butane torch & refill
>> - various ferrules & tip weights
>> - shaft cutter (pipe cutter)

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