I'm having troubles getting a port forwarded in Ubuntu. I'm running VMWare
in my fw and the network interface of VMWare acts as local network (it's
NATted in VMWare). The problem is that The traffic gets forwarded to the
virtual machine, but when the vm replies, the traffic is not forwarded to
the net interface. So when I monitor the traffic of the local network
interface (vmnet6 in my case) I see the incoming packages coming from
internet and forwarded by the fw and I also see reply packages coming from
the VM. But if I monitor the net interface (eth0) I only see incoming
packages and no outgoing packages so those reply packages are not forwarded.
Otherwise the network in the vm works fine.
my shorewall settings:
net eth0 detect
vmloc vmnet6 detect
fw firewall
net ipv4
vmloc ipv4
net all DROP info
fw net ACCEPT
vmloc fw ACCEPT
fw vmloc ACCEPT
vmloc net ACCEPT
DNAT:info net vmloc:<VM ip> tcp 80
Any suggestions?
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