Jerry Vonau wrote:

The routing rules are in the same order, just with different values, I'm
wondering if the "from <ip> lookup <table>" rules are even need/wanted.
When a connection is from the fw to a host that is on the same lan as a
gateway, I not sure with out testing, if that would mess up the the ip
rule lookup for that target's ip, given that there is no route in the
providers table, other that the host route to the gateway, or would an
earlier ip rule cover it? (OK, I'm a bit rusty...)

If there is a route out of the interface for other networks, then the packet will be routed by the main table. By the time we have passed through the main table, the packet is going to be routed by a default route. Those "<from <ip> lookup <table> rules" are there to make clients that bind to a particular local IP work reasonably.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \
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