
I have a multi-ISP situation (working well) whereby I need to turn off one
of my ISP's once a cap has been reached.
I can turn it off quite easily by replacing the default route in the main

        nexthop via  dev eth1.5 weight 1
        nexthop via XX.XXX.XX.33  dev eth1.9 weight 1


default via dev eth1.5

But if I try to reverse the process and replace the default route with the
1st one, packets routed via the eth1.9 provider goes into a black hole (not
investigated where packets end up)

Doing a shorewall restart takes several minutes, so I'd like to avoid that
if possible, but it always puts things the way they should be.

I'm thinking the direction I should be going in is either:
1. To insert/delete an iptables rule to mark the packets for the always-on
ISP when the variable ISP has expired (per the FAQ)
2. Generate 2 sets of rules for iptables using shorewall (one with
multi-path default route, one with single path) and swap one for the other.

Anybody done this before or got any thoughts about it?

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