Ernesto Domato wrote:
>Hi, I have a machine with a Debian Stable installation that runs
>OpenVSwitch to connect a virtual machine on the same box.
>The machine is also running shorewall.
>The problem that I'm having is that shorewall try to run before
>openvswitch, this makes that shorewall fails because it can't
>determine the IP of the virtual interface generated by openvswitch
>that start after shorewall.
>I think that if I change the priority of the openvswitch at start up
>and make it start before shorewall thet problem should be fixed, but I
>don't know if that is the correct solution :-)

Yes, that is the correct solution.
If you look at the top of the scripts in /etc/init.d, you'll see the section :
#Provides:     shorewall
#Required-Start:  $network $remote_fs
#Required-Stop:   $network $remote_fs
#Default-Start:   S
# Default-Stop:   0 6
#Short-Description: Configure the firewall at boot time
# Description:    Configure the firewall according to the rules specified in
#          /etc/shorewall

Check what service nameOpenVSwitch provides, and add that to the Required-Start 
(and Required-Stop ?) section of Shorewall. Then you may need to 
runupdate-rc.d, but that's sort of outside my experience level and might not be 
required if you're using dependency based booting. Anyway, editing the init 
script like this tells the system that you need OpenVSwitch started before 
Shorewall - after that, in legacy mode you need to update the symlinks in 
/etc/rc<n>.d to set the order, and in dependency mode I suspect it's determined 
on the fly at boot time.
In legacy mode, just changing the name of the symlink will alter the boot 
order, but may be stomped on next time anything does an update on them.

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