I'm trying to get nfsen setup on my router/firewall box and I'm running into the issue where nfcapd is not generating any data. All my searching around basically seems to come down to people saying firewalls sometimes block it from working (without much more data than that or any resolutions). The only other thing I found was someone saying to disable rp_filter on the interfaces, but that is already disabled on all mine (it's only enabled on eth0 via shorewall).

Does anyone have any experience with nfsen/nfcapd that could point me in the right direction to getting it to play happy with shorewall and actually see my network traffic?

For those not familiar with nfsen it is a management tool/interface that launches nfcapd and uses nfdump to generate rrd graphs and such nice things.

In case it is relevant: eth0 is my external interface and eth1-eth5 and tun0 are the internal interfaces on the machine.


Mark D. Montgomery II

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