On Tue, 6 Jan 2015 15:21:27 +0700
heriyanto shell <shell.heriya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I get mulitple public IP from my ISP, so far i'am just using one,
> so i just put one eth in providers file.
> Last night i added new network interface I assign another IP that i
> get from my ISP
> then i try to modify/add config in providers file, then i get this
> error:

Multi-isp is not correct way to configure multiple ip aliases. Check 

http://shorewall.net/Shorewall_and_Aliased_Interfaces.html to find out
correct ways to handle multiple ip addresses.

Tuomo Soini <t...@foobar.fi>
Foobar Linux services
+358 40 5240030
Foobar Oy <http://foobar.fi/>

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