On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 12:25:28 -0700
Tom Eastep <teas...@shorewall.net> wrote:

> The Shorewall Team is pleased to announce the availability of
> Shorewall 5.0.0.
> Problems Corrected:
> 1)  This release includes defect repair up through Shorewall
> 2)  The compiled script now uses the %e date format rather than %_d,
>     for Busybox compatibilty. (Erich Titl)
> New Features:
> 1)  To make the command names more accurately reflect what they do,
>     several changes have been included:
>     a)  Beginning with this release, the 'restart' command now does a
>       true restart and is equivalent to a 'stop' followed by a
>       'start'.

I am against this change. I vote for a change for this. Nobody expects
firewall restart to stop traffic - ever.

I vote for removing LEGACY_RESTART= option from config and replacing it


Note: default value should be No - and this config option should not
be in shorewall[6].conf at all, it's for those who have special reason
for RESTART to do stop and start instead of current reload which is only
sensible option for a firewall software.

Also there is a real problem in 5.0.0. Default value for
LEGACY_RESTART=No - and old configs don't have this option! So
this breaks all system with old configs now by causing traffic to stop
during restart.

Tuomo Soini <t...@foobar.fi>
Foobar Linux services
+358 40 5240030
Foobar Oy <http://foobar.fi/>

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