I guess I don't understand the concept of SNATting, or whether I in fact
need it.  Seems like it's the reverse of DNAT, for going -out-.

I have a KVM VM which is a WireGuard server.  It's working fine with the
tunnel VPN going out.  But I also want all the other machines in the LAN
to send their unknown web references out the tunnel as well.

Seems like I need to set the LAN machines so their gateway is the WG
server.  And it seems like I need to set up dnsmasq and chrony so the WG
server can use the special DNS server of my VPN provider and share that
with the LAN.

Now I -thought- that allowing in rules, source traffic from zone
net{LANIP}, to zone outWG would do it, but LAN traffic doesn't go out. 
I think I'm missing something in the snat file, and maybe rules.

Any suggestions?

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