On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 04:14:10PM +0100, Ruud Baart wrote:
> Hi,
> I can find quite a lot of documentation concerning a FTP server. But I don't
> find the way to do it.
> My situation:
>     Internet <--> Firewall <--> FTP server
> Firewall and FTP server are Debian 11 and I use the latest shorewall.
> The Firewall has three public IP addresses, FTP server had no public IP
> address. Firewall and FTP server are connected to a private
> network.
> This setup is new but in fact a replica of the existing situation (I'm

Are you using TLS with the old setup ?

> moving to a new hosting party). In the existing situation and new situation
> all works fine (Debian 10) as long as I don't use a certificate. This is the
> DNAT rule I use:
>    FTP(DNAT)   wan1  lan1:$FTP_INT -  -  - $FTP_EXT
> where $FTP_INT and $FTP_EXT the internal and external IP addresses are of
> the FTPserver.
> As said, works fine as long as I don't use a certificate. With TLS
> connection Filezilla:
>     Status:    Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using
> server address instead.

Maybe a good test is to do:
modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp


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