Apologies if this has been dealt with already - I've browsed the archive
for similar queries, but found none.

I have my images organised in various directories and subdirectories,
but moved most of these directories into a single "Pictures" folder
before importing them to Shotwell recently.

Many files need to stay in their original directories, because the
directory name indicates which 35mm film the scanned images came from,
and the filenames are IMG001.jpg, IMG002.jpg to indicate the negative
numbers, but I also have a lot of files imported from my Nikon D70 which
are uniquely names, but which have been imported by Nikon software into
a new subdirectory for each upload. These could all be moved into a
single D70 directory.

As well as simple housekeeping like this, there will come a time when I
outgrow the USB drive I currently use, or when it needs replacement.

If I understand the setup correctly, if I move any file from the
directory it was in when imported by Shotwell, that I will lose all the
tagging information attached to it by Shotwell, and that the file would
have to be re-imported and tagged again.

The mass movement of the directory structure to a new hard disc could
presumably be covered by a relative simple database operation, but
simpler housekeeping using this method is likely to be tedious and

I'd favour putting Shotwell in charge of the management of this sort of
housekeeping on the directory structure which contains the images - is
this feasible?


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