
Hi, I like what I'm seeing with Shotwell so far.

Good to hear.

> First and foremost, I think there definitely should be a way to "delete"
> events, or assign photos to "no event". Importing a folder of ~1000
> "miscellaneous" photos collected over a year creates about 30-50 events,
> which is a bit ridiculous; it defeats the purpose of events matching
> actual events and not "days", so I'd really like a way to unassign
> photos from events to get a better bird-eye's view of the "important"
> pictures among the mess.

This has been ticketed: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/2665

> * Multiply that by 10 years, and it's too tedious to use Shotwell rather
> than simply using folders in Nautilus. This is the main reason currently
> holding me back from using Shotwell over my photo collection (~19 000
> photos).
One thing that has been requested in the past several times is for Shotwell
to display photos organized by their location on disk:

> Secondly, the rotation doesn't seem to save the rotation info inside the
> images themselves afaict, because viewing them with nautilus or
> eye-of-gnome afterwards, they are still in their original orientation.
Shotwell is a non-destructive editor.  Rotation, color enhancement,
cropping, etc. are all stored in its database and applied on-the-fly to the
photo.  This has certain advantages over destructive or generational
editing.  If you want to have a photo that's been transformed, you need to
export it.

But we are considering saving the rotation directly to the master:

Also note that some photo apps don't respect the orientation EXIF field,
which is how Shotwell (and many other apps) perform rotations.  Thus, even
if you do export the file, those apps will still display it incorrectly.
(One example is the GNOME desktop image.)  This ticket summarizes where
Shotwell and these other apps stand today: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/2581

However, some people would like for Shotwell to store all their
transformations on disk.  This is something we're considering for a future
release: http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/1798

> Third, if you merge events that span multiple months, they will
> incorrectly be classified as belonging to one month in particular. I'm
> not sure how to handle this, but I guess I wanted to report this problem
> nonetheless.
Events are classified by the earliest photo in the event.  We had to pick
one (we didn't want to show the same event in multiple locations on the

> Fourth, there should probably be a "go back" button and shortcut keys
> (ex: backspace/alt+left/escape) to go back to the previous view (go back
> from a photo to its event, from the event to the month, from the month
> to the year, etc.).
We do already have some notion of "go back" when you're viewing a photo.  If
you press Escape, you'll go to the view you were in when you double-clicked
the image.  Are you suggesting something beyond this?

> And finally, I'd like to be able to do advanced searches on the library
> with various criteria (ex: "from december 2004 to march 2007" AND tags
> "foo", "bar" AND has "baz" in its name/event name/folder name/etc. AND
> rating is ==None or >=4). I'm guessing this feature was already
> requested and filed in the bug tracker, but I thought I'd write it in
> this mail just in case.

This is definitely something we've heard a lot of requests for:

Thanks for your ideas.  Please feel free to keep airing them here!

-- Jim
Shotwell mailing list

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