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CNRT  -  Timor-Leste
xanana gusmão

Distinguished Representative of the United Nations, Tamrat Samuel
Excellencies, Ambassadors of Friendly Governments
Distinguished Representatives of the Government of Indonesia
Honourable Representatives of the Church of Indonesia
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Respected Bishops of East Timor,
D. Carlos Filipe Ximenes
D. Basílio do Nascimento

The presence here today of so many distinguished figures is a great honour
and testimony to the tremendous faith placed in this set of meetings of
Dialogue and Reconciliation.

I wish to express our appreciation to the Indonesian Government which has
contributed admirably to the realisation of Dare II through the granting of
visas to our brothers and sisters from the diaspora.

This occasion constitutes, above all, a responsibility for the more than 60
Timorese gathered here who are conscious that peace is a universal value and
the right of each and every human being.

This meeting, witnessed by the international community, is of particular
relevance in view of the fact that the Timorese are fully committing
themselves, through their presence here, to returning Peace to the People of
Timor Loro Sa'e.

The people of Timor Loro Sa'e have experienced periods of war throughout
their history, most notably over the past 23 years.

If we have inherited from our ancestors the spirit of rebellion, today the
Timorese people wish to hand down something new to future generations - real
and lasting peace!

Dear Timorese Brothers and Sisters,

The New York agreement of 5 May, has rendered this process, the process of
reconciliation, irreversible. No son or daugther of Timor Loro Sa'e can or
will be able to avoid feeling responsible for and committed to the process
of dialogue and reconciliation.

The fundamental objective of reconciliation is peace. Reconciliation
represents a deliberate break with an atmosphere of confrontation.

The most difficult step has been taken - that of the acceptance of the need
for dialogue as the means of reaching a better understanding of one
another's ideas, of putting an end to apprehensions and of rejecting violence.

The first two days of meetings, whilst perhaps falling short of our
expectations, were of crucial importance in paving the way to improved
communication and to a more conscious assumption of our responsibilities as
sons and daughters of Timor Loro Sa'e to our beloved people and to the
international community.

Our long suffering people have placed all their hopes in Dare II. These
final three days of meetings are vitally important to our people. It is
their hope that their sons and daughters, with greater capabilities, may
embrace the spirit of fraternity, of mutual respect and may commit
themselves to the ideal of Peace.

On our part, I reaffirm our unqualified support to contributing in all
aspects in order to ensure that the consultation process is free, just and

I invite all my Timorese brothers and sisters to break down, once and for
all, the barriers constructed between us. May brotherhood be the new guiding
force in our relations.

Peace is possible in Timor Loro Sa'e!

Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
President of CNRT


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