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Misi Bantuan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Di Timor Timur

Briefing Summary for Wednesday, 14 July 1999

UNAMET Spokesman David Wimhurst began today's briefing informing
correspondents that the Special Representative was to meet with the
Indonesian Task Force in the morning to assess progress in improving the
security situation. This is a follow-up to the letter the Secretary-General
sent to the Security Council asking for a three-delay delay in registration. 

The Spokesman also announced that UNAMET's contingent to be based in
Liquica was travelling there today. The contingent comprises of ten CivPol,
two Military Liaison Officers, one security staff and eight district
electoral officers. He said, the CivPol and MLOs will be remaining in
Liquica and the DEOs will be returning at the end of the day to Dili. UNAMET
is in the process of renovating the buildings used in Liquica for
accommodations and office space before the DEOs move there permanently. 

A correspondent asked how today's convoy to Liquica compared to the numbers
who were there before the incident. The Spokesman said the number
of personnel would be the same as before the incident once a few additional
DEOs were sent to Liquica in the next few days. 

A correspondent asked what precautions UNAMET was taking in the event of
encountering armed militia. Mr. Wimhurst reminded correspondents that
it is the Indonesian police who are obligated to protect all UNAMET staff.
These staff, he added, would not be moving around in areas considered to
be a security threat without adequate escort. 

The Spokesman was asked what responsibilities UNAMET had for registering
internally displaced people (IDPs). He said UNAMET was well aware
that there are large pockets of IDPs who needed to be contacted and
provided with information on the registration process. He added, "none of them
have radios and [they] are unaware of our intensive radio campaign. What we
will have to do is physically go to these areas and try to inform them
directly of the procedures to follow. And we have 2,000 radios donated by
Japan some of which will be allocated to these people so that they can
follow the information campaign." He added, there would be a balanced
distribution of these radios to both the pro-integration and pro-independence

A correspondent asked whether there was an attack in Maliana overnight. The
Spokesman said there was an incident yesterday when ten unarmed
militia tried to enter the UNAMET residence but were stopped from entering
by the Indonesian police. He said the incident was a cause of concern for
UNAMET and the information will be forwarded to police headquarters in
Dili. Continuing, he said, UNAMET is grateful to the Indonesian police for
preventing the militia members from entering the compound and he commended
them for a job well done. 

A correspondent asked if the renovations to the UN accommodations in
Liquica included any additional security measures. The Spokesman said the
renovations were being done simply to improve the structures of the
buildings, which are in poor condition.


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