At Sun, 12 Sep 2010 17:10:50 -0400, Steve Kent wrote:
> Are you saying that there is no deterministic solution that allows
> an RP to detect that it has fetched an inconsistent set of
> records.

Pretty much.  A RP gets what it gets, then puts together the best
picture of the world it can from what it was able to fetch.  Some of
what it was able to fetch may not validate.  Figuring out whether
validation failures were caused by a race condition, some RPKI
analogue of what would be called a "lame server" in the DNS world,
failing disk hardware on some server, a network partition, sunspots,
or enemy action may be more trouble than it's worth.  We got what we
got, we validated what we could, and we'll try again later in any

Here's the key question: what do you intend the RP to do differently
based on this determination, why, and how much are you willing to pay
(in protocol complexity, convergence time, etc) to achieve this?

> That's what i would like to see. If the suggestion is to
> check the manifest, I would be disappointed, as I think that makes
> it hard to distinguish between attacks and sync problems.

Indeed.  I just doubt we're likely to do better.

> Also, as I noted in my reply to Tim, that approach requires fairly
> invasive processing, i.e., looking into a (verified?) manifest.

As I think you know, my implementation of the validation process looks
at the manifest every time anyway, so this doesn't bother me as much
as it appears to bother you.

> My suggestion avoids that concern, although perhaps at the cost of
> an additional rsync activity. (I'm still interested in learning what
> Chris's parameterized rsync call does.)

If I understand correctly, Chris's suggestion solves a slightly
different problem than the one I think we're having.  He's talking
about a way of avoiding local race conditions (eg, validator running
in parallel with rsync, validator gets confused because it sees
partially fetched data before rsync is done fetching); we're talking
about remote race conditions.  Avoiding local race conditions is
relatively easy, Chris's suggestion is one way of doing it.  Avoiding
remote conditions ranges from hard to impossible for the kinds of
protocols we've been talking about.

I respect your quest for a synchronization tool to eliminate remote
race conditions, I just don't think you're going to find one that will
work in any sane fashion with off the shelf implementations of
file-oriented protocols like rsync, http, and ftp, and I don't think
anybody wants to push deployment back by several years while we go off
to design a custom network protocol with the semantics you want.

> I don't think we can go progress the repository doc without a better 
> description of the problem and recommended solution approaches.

Agreed, so long as "this is the RP's problem, deal with it" is on the
table as one of the solutions we might recommend.
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