Before during and after the meeting, there were many requests for last calls and wg adoption. I'm pretty sure that I've captured them all, and I list them below. As soon as I send this message I'm going to start sending the calls to the list.

If I have missed tallying a request, please let me know.

There are a lot of them. I asked those attending the meeting if they wanted the whole lot all at the same time and there was strong support for sending them all at once. So get ready, here it comes.


long before meeting:

last calls were announced:

– draft-ietf-sidr-arch-11.txt: An Infrastructure to Support
  Secure Internet Routing
– draft-ietf-sidr-signed-object-01: Signed Object
  Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure
– draft-ietf-sidr-ta-06: A Profile for Trust Anchor Material
  for the Resource Certificate PKI

the week before meeting:

Matt Lepinski requested wglc for
1.   roa-format

during the sidr meeting:

Randy Bush requested wglc for
2.   rpki-rtr

Geoff Huston requested wglc for

3.   keyroll

4.   res-certs

5.   repos-struct

6.   rescerts-provisioning

7.   rpki-algs

8.   rpki-manifests

Steve Kent requested wg adoption for

9.   algorithm-agility

Randy requested wg adoption for

10.  ghostbusters

11.  rpki-origin-ops

during and after meeting on the list

Geoff requested wglc for

12.  roa-validation

     rescerts-provisioning (reiteration of previous request)

sidr mailing list

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