
In the future, if we have this many WG calls at once, might I recommend a 
doodle poll or something similar that makes it easier for both the chairs 
(resplendent in their WG Chair finery) and the rest of us to keep track of?

Wes George

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Sandra Murphy
> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: [sidr] upcoming wg calls
> Before during and after the meeting, there were many requests for last
> calls and wg adoption.  I'm pretty sure that I've captured them all,
> and I
> list them below.  As soon as I send this message I'm going to start
> sending the calls to the list.
> If I have missed tallying a request, please let me know.
> There are a lot of them.  I asked those attending the meeting if they
> wanted the whole lot all at the same time and there was strong support
> for
> sending them all at once.  So get ready, here it comes.
> --Sandy
> long before meeting:
> last calls were announced:
> – draft-ietf-sidr-arch-11.txt: An Infrastructure to Support
>    Secure Internet Routing
> – draft-ietf-sidr-signed-object-01: Signed Object
>    Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure
> – draft-ietf-sidr-ta-06: A Profile for Trust Anchor Material
>    for the Resource Certificate PKI
> the week before meeting:
> Matt Lepinski requested wglc for
> 1.   roa-format
> during the sidr meeting:
> Randy Bush requested wglc for
> 2.   rpki-rtr
> Geoff Huston requested wglc for
> 3.   keyroll
> 4.   res-certs
> 5.   repos-struct
> 6.   rescerts-provisioning
> 7.   rpki-algs
> 8.   rpki-manifests
> Steve Kent requested wg adoption for
> 9.   algorithm-agility
> Randy requested wg adoption for
> 10.  ghostbusters
> 11.  rpki-origin-ops
> during and after meeting on the list
> Geoff requested wglc for
> 12.  roa-validation
>       rescerts-provisioning (reiteration of previous request)

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