On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, George Michaelson wrote:

On 04/12/2010, at 8:04 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

Andrew suggests that the new naming schemes should be added to the
repos-struct draft.

Tim's message implies that the naming scheme would be added to the
roa-format draft (by extension, to whatever draft creates a new
repository structure element, like the ghostbusters draft).

I'd like wg consideration as to which would be best, both now and
going forward.

I support adding .roa; I didn't realize it was not there already.

I think we can wait for GB, because it is a new doc, not yet final
(it was just adopted by the WG). We will need to have each new RPKI
signed object specify it's file extension for the future, so why now
start with the GB doc, when it is approved.

lemme repeat.  keeping track of a changing list of identifiers is (part
of) the iana function and is why we have iana consideration sections in

probably repo structure should create the registry with certs and
manifests and crls, and roa, ghostbusters, ... should add to it.

I hesitate to block anything here, but I observe that preserving 8.3 filename 
semantics is hugely anachronistic and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We worked 
very hard to get rid of this insanity in UNIX filesystems/services space, and 
you can compile any named file you like from C to object to running binary in 
any legal nameform that the filesystem will accept.

The repos-struct draft does already mandate three file extensions: .cer, .crl, and .mft. As co-author, are you thinking of retracting that?

--sandy, speaking with wg hood on

Its not proscriptive. /etc/magic is the registry, such as it is.

If there is a need for a registry, so be it. But can we acknowledge that this 
is a retrograde decision?

        .cgi is not in a registry
        .html is not in a registry

the MIME encodings are in a registry. an OID might be analogous. Cannot the CMS 
carry an OID, and is an OID not an extensible prefix for creation of identity?


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