On 4/4/11 2:17 AM, George, Wes E [NTK] wrote:
> I had a conversation with a couple of folks while at IETF that they thought I 
> should bring to the list for discussion.
> While we have an operational considerations document that covers origin 
> validation, it focuses mainly on policy and implementation
> details of the validation machinery. We don't have anything that covers the 
> back-end of implementing a proper RPKI (from the cache
> upward, rather than downward towards the router). 

We (SURFnet and NLnet Labs) are running an RPKI pilot project to find
answers to the same/similar questions.  I was also thinking of a BCP,
but I was not sure as it might be quite operational oriented.

I think we are more than happy to share insights and contribute to such
a document, BCP or in any other form.


-- Benno

Benno J. Overeinder
NLnet Labs
sidr mailing list

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