I've read this document and support moving it forward.

Make sure to ask Stewart to send an email to the mailing list ietf-ty...@ietf.org asking for comments on the Media Type section of your specification.


On 7/13/11 7:35 PM, Sandra Murphy wrote:

The chairs have received a request from the authors for a WG Last Call
for "The RPKI Ghostbusters Record", draft-ietf-sidr-ghostbusters-06.

The document and the draft version history are available at:

The Last Call will end Wed, 3 Aug 2011 (AOE). This is three weeks
instead of the usual two, because the IETF week will occupy people's
time and attention.

As usual, please address all comments to the WG mailing list, and please
be clear in your comments to this last call if you are supporting the
document's submission to the IESG or if you are opposed. If you are
opposed, please indicate why.

--Sandy, speaking as wg chair, with wg chair snood on

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