
On Jul 13, 2011, at 7:35 PM, Sandra Murphy wrote:

> The chairs have received a request from the authors for a WG Last Call for 
> "The RPKI Ghostbusters Record", draft-ietf-sidr-ghostbusters-06.
> The document and the draft version history are available at: 
> The Last Call will end Wed, 3 Aug 2011 (AOE).  This is three weeks instead of 
> the usual two, because the IETF week will occupy people's time and attention.

Yes, the IETF week did indeed occupy my (notoriously fickle) attention and I 
completely forgot to weigh in before the official cutoff. 

> As usual, please address all comments to the WG mailing list, and please be 
> clear in your comments to this last call if you are supporting the document's 
> submission to the IESG or if you are opposed. If you are opposed, please 
> indicate why.

I am "supporting the document's submission to the IESG" -- I have read the 
draft, and it addresses and obvious need. 

Personally I would have thrown a bunch more stuff in the record, but then it 
would have ended up bloated and unusable, so I support it how it is...


> --Sandy, speaking as wg chair, with wg chair snood on

Oooh, picture please?.... I lost my snood in the canal and have been looking 
for a replacement, preferably one with polka dots, a miniature short-wave 
radio, and a packet suitable for storing butter paddles, but it's really hard 
to find a good one these days...

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