>>>>> On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:25:54 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time), Sandra Murphy 
>>>>> <sandra.mur...@sparta.com> said:

    Sandra> The working group has been requested to adopt
    Sandra> draft-ymbk-bgp-origin-validation-mib
    Sandra> draft-ymbk-rpki-rtr-protocol-mib

    Sandra> as working group drafts.

    Sandra> As these are drafts are so similar in topic, I am running the 
    Sandra> call for both simultaneously.

    Sandra> Please respond to the list with your opinion as to whether you 
    Sandra> these drafts as working group drafts and are willing to work on
    Sandra> them. Remember that you do not need to accept all content in a draft
    Sandra> to adopt, as draft editors are required to reflect the consensus of
    Sandra> the working group.

I support adoption of both (and am co-editing)

    Sandra> This call will end 19 Aug 2011

    Sandra> Those who anticipated this call for adoption and have already
    Sandra> responded do not need to respond again.

    Sandra> --Sandy, speaking as wg co-chair

    Sandra> _______________________________________________
    Sandra> sidr mailing list
    Sandra> sidr@ietf.org
    Sandra> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/sidr

Michael Baer
sidr mailing list

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