This document is basically ready for publication.  While it is
painfully long, it is arguably one of the better written documents
this WG has produced.  My thanks to the editors for their efforts.

I am uneasy with the limitations imposed by this mechanism, but I have
nothing better to suggest.  Let's go forward with this general

On to specifics:

I am persuaded by Terry's argument that it may not be appropriate to
publish hard dates for later steps. Please change the doc accordingly.

And two very minor things:

Near the end of section 2, there appears to be a duplication:
   This document does not specify any algorithm suite.
   This document does not specify any algorithm suite per se.

And I'm unconvinced of the need for this particular limitation:
   All Dates MUST be represented using the local UTC date-time format
   specified in [RFC3339].
While the steps in this process are ordered, the timeliness of them
need not be so precise that we need to restrict how we write the date.

-- Sam

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