One clarification.  I included Eric below as he was one of those who took 
offense at the conclusion Steve drew from Brian's remark about colleagues.  
Unfortunately, "you" is both singular and plural, so the text as written 
implies that Eric colluded in the remark about "colleagues".  I should 
definitely have said "If Brian meant".

--Sandy, to clarify my previous speaking as wg chair

From: Murphy, Sandra
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:47 PM
To: Brian Dickson; Stephen Kent
Subject: RE: [sidr] WGLC for draft-ietf-sidr-algorithm-agility-03

Guys, guys, guys.

Steve: making reference to a person's company concentrates too much on the 
personal.  Please be more careful.

Brian, Eric:   If you meant "some individual contributors who I happen to know 
and discuss this with", saying "my colleagues" was subject to 
misinterpretation, especially in light of this recent energetic exchange.

--Sandy, speaking out for civility as wg chair

From: [] on behalf of Eric Osterweil 
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 11:17 AM
To: Stephen Kent
Cc: list
Subject: Re: [sidr] WGLC for draft-ietf-sidr-algorithm-agility-03

On Nov 9, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:

> At 1:27 AM -0500 11/8/11, Brian Dickson wrote:
>> ...
>> I do not support adoption of this document in its current form.
>> The main reasons have to do with fundamental aspects which at a high
>> level have been addressed by my colleagues,
> so, this is a Verisign critique, provided by you, Eric, and Danny?


This is a ridiculous question, and the implication is a completely false 
characterization of my involvement.  For the record: I am participating as an 
individual only.

sidr mailing list

From: [] on behalf of Brian Dickson 
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 3:07 PM
To: Stephen Kent
Subject: Re: [sidr] WGLC for draft-ietf-sidr-algorithm-agility-03

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Stephen Kent <> wrote:
> At 1:27 AM -0500 11/8/11, Brian Dickson wrote:
> ...
> I do not support adoption of this document in its current form.
> The main reasons have to do with fundamental aspects which at a high
> level have been addressed by my colleagues,
> so, this is a Verisign critique, provided by you, Eric, and Danny?

Respectfully, Stephen, I would ask that you not infer anything along
these lines.
The IETF is very clear on participation being an individual activity,
regardless of

In addition to this _not_ being the case, I _personally_ consider this both
highly inappropriate at a professional level, and bordering on _ad_hominem_,
something that really has no place in WG mailing-list discussions.

I would ask that you seriously consider whether an apology for your comment
is appropriate.

As for "colleague", I meant within the WG, as in "collegial". If I had meant to
say "co-worker", I would have said "co-worker".

Any similarity between our concerns is entirely due to similarity in operational
experiences in a variety of venues, at a variety of $day_jobs.

I'll address the content-oriented portion of your email in a separate message.

- not using any email-address that would suggest affiliation -
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