On 20/03/2012 16:24, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 3/20/12 8:07 AM, David Harrington wrote:
>> Hi,
>> FYI. The IESG decided the SIDR Interim should be cancelled because
>> it didn't meet the deadlines.
>> The rules about Interim meetings exist to ensure an open and fair
>> process. Other Wgs who planned an interim but didn't meet the
>> deadlines have also been forced to cancel. BEHAVE WG is one example
>> I am familiar with that had to cancel in the near past.
> Yes, this annoying. But realize that you're not the only ones to have
> experienced this annoyance. David mentioned BEHAVE WG. I had the same
> thing happen with the IRI WG last year. The lesson I learned is that I
> need to plan ahead farther.

I don't have a particular opinion if the meeting should be cancelled.  However,
I noticed that on Friday, the responsible AD said that it was OK to have the
meeting despite the small procedural error in organizing it: the meeting
was announced on the WG list, but not on the iesg-list.  On Monday, the
meeting is cancelled.  That doesn't look very nice.  In the future, I
suggest that the IESG makes a decision, then sticks to it, even if an
individual AD has approved something he really shouldn't.


Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk(at)uijterwaal.nl
                                          Phone: +31.6.55861746

There appears to have been a collective retreat from reality that day.
                                 (John Glanfield, on an engineering project)
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