John Scudder asked the following question in an email to the
authors of draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol:

>From: John G. Scudder <>
>Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:00 PM
>Subject: bgpsec-spec S. 4.2 comments
>A few misc questions/comments I noticed while perusing S. 4.2:
>  "A BGPSEC speaker MUST NOT generate an update message containing the
>  BGPSEC_Path_Signatures attribute unless it has selected, as the best
>  route to the given prefix, a route that it received in an update
>  message containing the BGPSEC_Path_Signatures attribute."
>What's the rationale for this MUST NOT? Certainly it's an assumption of the 
>protocol, but I assume it wouldn't need to be called out here unless it bore on
>some BGPSEC-specific issue. This is relevant in the context of 
>paths, which allows non-best paths to be sent in BGP.

The authors have agreed that the above text in the bgpsec spec 
document (quoted by John) certainly seems problematic.
The authors agreed to make the following text substitution:
(there was also consensus on this at the SIDR Interim meeting April 30, 2012):

"If a BGPSEC router has received an _unsigned_ route from a peer and
if it chooses to propagate that route, then it MUST NOT attach any
BGPSEC_Path_Signatures attribute to the corresponding update being propagated."

It was also agreed that we further add (if not already clearly stated
elsewhere in the spec):

"If a BGPSEC router has received a _signed_ update,
and if it chooses to propagate that route, then the router SHOULD propagate
the corresponding update with BGPSEC_Path_Signatures attribute
(after adding its own signature)."

These substitutions would help keep the text unambiguous, and
also inclusive of (or at least not conflicting with) draft-ietf-idr-add-paths.

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