On Dec 6, 2012, at 5:54 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:

> Eric
>       Chris said much better than me. Hosted rpki is like the "go-daddy" of
> RPKI. It is intended as a bootstraping solution to take rpki up.

Maybe you can help me answer the questions I posed in my last email then?  :-P

>       The hosted solution is not aimed to everybody, it is aimed to
> small/medium operators that otherwise would struggle to sign their
> resources, run a CA, and run a repository.

How do they get their private keys from you?  This is important to think 
through _now_ before it becomes an operational blackhole... Also, what happens 
if you get DDoS'ed and I need your services?  In DNS, there are a lot of 
registrars to choose from, and no single point of failure... The RIRs are not 
as plentiful in numbers as them, so you are a higher value target this way...

>       Large operators DO NOT need to use the hosted solution, they can if
> they want but they can run their own CAs and they should.

Anyone who uses you would need these services, it seems like it would be worth 
working out the ``what ifs,'' no?

>       About the EE certs for router I didn't explain correctly. Hosted
> solution do not have it now because they haven't been defined yet (we
> are still arguing about BGPSEC specs). However, in the moment that the
> specs are ready router certs will be supported.

If we've enshrined operations and practices (i.e. the hosted/HSM model) because 
we didn't think through the complexities, and that later impedes our needs, 
then we have been negligent.  This seems like a pretty serious problem and it 
ought to be worked out now before we decide people should be doing the hosted 

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