[apologies if I am sending this multiple times, having trouble with replying]

A concept that could be borrowed from DNS side is the ability for
anyone to go from the top and skip the cache(s) on an ad hoc basis.
Perhaps we need a similar capability here, for anyone to query from
the top. This way, a new announcement can (for example) carry a flag
that says "this may look invalid but if you skip the cache you will
see that it is", and suggests the receiving party to validate it from
the top.

Of course, two things will soon follow: some will always ask others to
skip the cache, which would defeat the purpose of caching (but I would
argue that it is not hard to figure out who are wasting others'
bandwidth and cpu, by comparing the non-cached versions as requested
and the cached versions), and this mechanism itself can be used to
launch a DDoS (to which I would argue the RIRs already has enough
resources to handle it, or some tricks can be perhaps applied to make
this problem less significant in the first place).

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