Andrew Chi writes:
 > On 3/13/13 10:19 AM, Andrew Chi wrote:
 > > Yesterday, Ruediger talked about a 4th validation state for BGP routes
 > > (RFC 6811 gives only 3).  After thinking about it more, I believe it may
 > > be helpful to call this validation state "Uninitialized".  Here's why.
 > After talking to Doug and Sriram, it sounds like others already had this 
 > discussion using the term "Undefined."  That's probably a better word, 
 > since one might need it for more than just startup conditions.
 > Should we explicitly call out this state?  Did we already decide not to?


Not commenting for now on the need for a new term or the choices
offered, but I did want to point out that junos has a "4th" state now: 



Note: There is an additional state in JunOS called “unverified”, which
indicates prefixes that haven’t been policed. This means there may be
a BGP neighbour session that doesn’t have an import policy
route-validation applied. You can verify this with the following
command:> show route protocol bgp validation-state unverified


We can hash out whether another standard state is required, but I
wanted to urge that in the end we arrive at a set of states with names
that have clear and unambiguous meanings.


                                                        Jay B.

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