On Mar 20, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Stephen Kent <k...@bbn.com> wrote:
> John,
> I agree that the frequency of v4 resources might change as a result of 
> exhaustion
> of that space on a regional level. A cursory look at the transfers listed at 
> the URL
> you provided would support that projection. But, I'm especially interested 
> seeing
> which transfers are for live vs.unused space, since the implications for the
> ordering of events are very different. I don't see that info on this page.
> ...

Interesting question - this is not information that organizations need to 
supply to ARIN during the transfer request process (at least at ARIN), so 
it is not shown in the statistics. If someone wants to do little analysis
against routeviews/ripestat, it should be possible to derive such for past  
transfers.  (I'd advise against optimizing future mechanisms based on that 
limited history, but it would still be interesting information to have...)


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