>Your explanations make it very clear, thanks.

Thanks, Andrei. 
Looks like we've converged on pretty much all issues that we've discussed so 
far in this thread.
One comment inline below.

>>> If my considerations are correct, there are only two cases -
>>> upstreams/transit providers, for which RLP doesn't matter, and others
>>> (customers and peers) where an RLP indicates a leak and has to be dealt
>>> accordingly.
>> Yes, I agree that detecting route leaks from customers/peers matters.
>> Detecting route leaks from upstreams/transit providers does not really matter
>> (as explained above).

>I guess what I am arguing for is that the semantics of RLP 01 should be
>"propagate only down" rather than "do not propagate up" and any updates
>with the RLP field set from a peer or a customer should be treated as a

OK, I see now what you meant. Your suggestion is good. 
In the draft, currently in Section 3.2.2 "do not propagate up" 
is interpreted (implicitly) as "propagate only down" for a peer.  
But with this change (as suggested above by you) , we no longer have to 
make that distinction. The semantics of RLP 01 would be the same 
whether an update is received from a customer or a peer. 
Then route leak detection algorithm would be the same for customer or peer,
and sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 can be merged into one. Thanks.


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