I didn't attend the IETF meeting, but I did listen to the Wednesday SIDR session, at which the issue was raised as to whether the BGPSec RFC should be standards track
or experimental.

I believe standards track is the right approach here. This document has been
viewed as standards track since we began work on it long ago. It is the successor to the origin validation standards, addressing the residual vulnerabilities that persist based on that use of the RPKI. From the perspective of promoting adoption it is critical that this remain a standards track document; router vendors will be unlikely to devote resources to design and implementation if BGPsec is labeled experimental. I agree that this is new technology, but I heard that we already have a couple of implementations already, and we may discourage others from continuing to work on BGPSec implementations if we downgrade the status of the RFC. The design has evolved to accommodate real-world routing deployment topics such as the role of IXPs and AS migration. In my long experience in the IETF experience, the level of attention to these an analogous details makes BGPsec a very solid candidate for standards track


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