Either way is fine.  The document is scheduled for the Telechat on Dec/15. I 
expect maybe a couple of directorate reviews before that – if they come in by 
Dec/9 and you have time to pdate, then please do.  Otherwise, let’s wait for 
the IESG to comment.



On 11/13/16, 4:25 PM, "Randy Bush" <ra...@psg.com<mailto:ra...@psg.com>> wrote:

C1. The reference to rfc7607 should be Informative.
C2. [Major] Security Considerations.  I think that there is one
consideration that should be mentioned in this section: Given that the
largest value is preferred (2 = invalid), there is an attack vector
where a router in the path (yes, even an internal router) can inject a
community indicating that the route is invalid; the communities are
not protected.  This action could result in inconsistent routing or in
even a DoS.  I know the document is not explicit about what to do with
the validation state (which is ok), but the clear intention (from
rfc6811 and rfc7115) is that it will be used to make routing
decisions.  Please add some text about this potential issue.

would you prefer a revision soon, or wait for other iesg comments?


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