At Tue, 29 Nov 2016 21:08:11 -0500,
"John G. Scudder" <> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2016, at 9:02 PM, Chris Morrow <> wrote:
> > Of course, just wiping out the prefixes in flight
> Right, exactly. The OV "attack" is just a baroque version of
> underclaiming, only it's an inferior version because there's a
> greater audit trail.


> > and stitching back
> > together the tcp session... same effect.
> Not sure why you have to stitch back together the TCP session? I
> thought you were supposing the "attacker" was the edge node, it can
> just apply an export policy towards the core.

say the case is inside your network, between the edge node in NYC and
the core nodes in BWI, something on the fiber path just removes/adds
information to the bgp stream.


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