

You added some text about offer and referral:

  A parent is unlikely to need to send both <offer> and <referral>
  elements, but strictly speaking they are not mutually exclusive, so a
  parent which really needs to express that it both offers repository
  service to its child and is also willing to refer its child to one or
  more other repository servers can do so.

That’s fine, but it still doesn’t tell me what the child should do.  I don’t 
think you want to specify taking up one or the other, but at least include some 
text that says that the child can choose.

In thinking about this I came up with another question.  A repository doesn’t 
have to honor every publisher_request it receives, right?   Specially ones that 
are the result of a referral…  There is a “refused” error reason defined, so 
that takes care of that…but I’m thinking that as a client I might want to take 
an <offer> instead of playing around with a <referral> because I know for sure 
my parent can do the job.  I’m sure there are other considerations that the 
child should take into account.  I’m ok if you just write that the selection 
criteria is out of scope.



On 12/20/16, 8:14 PM, "Rob Austein" <<>> 

Proposed -05, reflecting comments from AD review:

Absent objections, I will post to I-D repository, probably tomorrow.
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