I agree that the proposed errata would be a good clarification.


> On Dec 7, 2022, at 12:22 AM, Tom Harrison <t...@apnic.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 04:38:12AM -0700, RFC Errata System wrote:
>> The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8182,
>> "The RPKI Repository Delta Protocol (RRDP)".
>> --------------------------------------
>> You may review the report below and at:
>> https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid7239
>> --------------------------------------
>> Type: Technical
>> Reported by: Job Snijders <j...@fastly.com>
>> Section: 3.2
>> Original Text
>> -------------
>> Certificate Authorities that use RRDP MUST include an instance of an
>> SIA AccessDescription extension in resource certificates they
>> produce, in addition to the ones defined in [RFC6487]:
>> Corrected Text
>> --------------
>> Certificate Authorities that use RRDP MUST include an instance of an
>> SIA AccessDescription extension in CA resource certificates they
>> produce, in addition to the ones defined in [RFC6487]:
>> Notes
>> -----
>> Between draft-ietf-sidr-delta-protocol-04 and
>> draft-ietf-sidr-delta-protocol-05 a bit of text was removed (perhaps
>> because it was considered redundant). But, unfortunately that
>> snippet helped establish important context as to what types of
>> certificates are expected to contain the id-ad-rpkiNotify
>> accessMethod inside the Subject Information Access extension. The
>> text that was removed:
>> """
>> Relying Parties that do not support this delta protocol MUST MUST NOT
>> reject a CA certificate merely because it has an SIA extension
>> containing this new kind of AccessDescription.
>> """
>>> From the removed text is is clear that id-ad-rpkiNotify was only
>>> expected to show up on CA certificates. However, without the above
>>> text, Section 3.2 of RFC 8182 is somewhat ambiguous whether
>>> 'resource certificates' is inclusive of EE certificates or not.
>> RFC 6487 Section sets expectations that only
>> id-ad-signedObject is expected to show up in the SIA of EE
>> certificates "Other AccessMethods MUST NOT be used for an EE
>> certificates's SIA."
>> The ambiguity in RFC8182 led to one RIR including id-ad-rpkiNotify
>> in the SIA of the EE certificate of all signed objects they produce
>> (such as ROAs). The RIR indicated they'll work to remove
>> id-ad-rpkiNotify from all EE certificates their CA implementation
>> produces.
> I agree with this report.  (APNIC is the RIR referred to in this
> paragraph, and we also found the text to be unclear when we were
> implementing this specification.)
> -Tom

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