Dear Eliseo,
with respect to your problem of initializing different spin
configurations, I can offer two comments:

1. When you start from scratch, I am not sure how exactly
the initial spin splitting is constructed; I also had sometimes
an impression that the resulting splitting (in the 1st iteration)
is too small. My rule of thumb in similar cases is to use maximal splitting, 
%block DM.InitSpin
   1     +
   2     -
etc. in all cases, even for Cu.

2. As you have found a reasonable solution for one spin configuration
you can invert certain spin(s) in its density matrice using my tool -> DMtune
that will normally give you a better starting point for further
convergence than starting another spin configuration from scratch.

Best regards,

+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie,     |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------ --+

On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Eliseo Ruiz wrote:

| Dear Colleagues,
|     I am calculating a periodic system with 40 Cu(II) cations in the unit
| cell. I am trying to calculate the energy for the different spin 
| distributions. However, only in a couple of cases I obtain the signs 
| of the spins that I specified in the input file. For instance, for one
| of the spin distributions:
| ............
| # Spin defintion
| SpinPolarized      T
| FixSpin                 T
| TotalSpin               8.0
| %block DM.InitSpin
|   1     +1.0
|   2     -1.0
|   3     -1.0
|   4     +1.0
|   5     +1.0
|   6     +1.0
|   7     -1.0
|   8     -1.0
|   9     +1.0
|   10    +1.0
|   11    +1.0
| ............
|   40    +1.0
| %endblock DM.InitSpin
| the results for the spin density:
| atom up down total
| 1 4.968 -5.401 -.433
| 2 4.978 -5.411 -.433
| 3 5.397 -4.948 .449
| 4 5.406 -4.942 .464
| 5 5.431 -4.963 .468
| 6 5.407 -4.962 .445
| 7 5.415 -4.977 .438
| 8 4.957 -5.391 -.434
| 9 4.943 -5.404 -.461
| 10 5.439 -4.964 .475
| 12 5.420 -4.987 .433
| ............
| The total spin is satisfied but not the local spins. I tried several options
| of DM.MixingWeight and
| DM.NumberPulay as well as for ElectronicTemperature but I cannot reach the
| selected spin
| distribution.
|         best wishes,
|                           Eliseo

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