
The numbers you are showing for the spins are extracted from some
integration over the densities, or those are the mulliken charges on the
system? I will suppose that those are the numbers that come out after one
or more complete self-consistency cycles; if it is so, it means that your
system "doesn't want to keep" the initial values you have supplied; it
will be more advantageous, energetically, to have the final configuration
of spins. The initial configuration is just a starting guess, but
self-consistency takes over after this. Nothing guarantees that you will
have the final global net spin, or the individual net spins of the atoms,
equal to the initial values after a whole SCF cycle. Actually, you can
constrain the total magnetization of a system in siesta, but I am not sure
if the total magnetization would be constrained over all the scf steps.



Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Eliseo Ruiz
> Dear Colleagues,
>      I am calculating a periodic system with 40 Cu(II) cations in the
> unit cell. I am trying to
> calculate the energy for the different spin distributions. However,
> only in a couple of
> cases I obtain the signs of the spins that I specified in the input
> file. For instance, for one
> of the spin distributions:
> ............
> # Spin defintion
> SpinPolarized      T
> FixSpin                 T
> TotalSpin               8.0
> %block DM.InitSpin
>    1     +1.0
>    2     -1.0
>    3     -1.0
>    4     +1.0
>    5     +1.0
>    6     +1.0
>    7     -1.0
>    8     -1.0
>    9     +1.0
>    10    +1.0
>    11    +1.0
> ............
>    40    +1.0
> %endblock DM.InitSpin
> the results for the spin density:
> atom up down total
> 1 4.968 -5.401 -.433
> 2 4.978 -5.411 -.433
> 3 5.397 -4.948 .449
> 4 5.406 -4.942 .464
> 5 5.431 -4.963 .468
> 6 5.407 -4.962 .445
> 7 5.415 -4.977 .438
> 8 4.957 -5.391 -.434
> 9 4.943 -5.404 -.461
> 10 5.439 -4.964 .475
> 12 5.420 -4.987 .433
> ............
> The total spin is satisfied but not the local spins. I tried several
> options of DM.MixingWeight and
> DM.NumberPulay as well as for ElectronicTemperature but I cannot
> reach the selected spin
> distribution.
>          best wishes,
>                            Eliseo

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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