Dear Simon,
In siesta, the density matrix is defined as:
\rho_{\mu \nu}=\sum_i C_{\mu i} n_i C_{\nu i}.
The eigenvector instead of the overlap matrix is needed for the
computation of the density matrix.
Please read the paper by Soler et al. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter *14*, 2745 (2002) <>,
especially the part around Eq. (34).

And some non-diagonal elements of the density matrix is computed besides the
diagonal elements.

Best regards,
Hongjun Xiang

H. J. Xiang
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Chemistry
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8204
Tel: 001-919-515-8919

Simon Dubois wrote:
Dear Siesta Users,

For post-processing treatment, I'm presently interested in the density matrix computed by siesta. So, I took a look in the diagk.F file. I understand the global scheme, however, I don't understand why the overlap matrix doesn't appear in the calculation. Indeed, I was expeting that the overlap element S (iio,juo) should appear at lines 320 and 321 of this file. So, if I understand well, only the diagonal element of the density matrix (those needed for the representation of the density on a real mesh) are exactly calculated!

Is it right?
Every comments is appreciated!


PhD Student
University of Louvain-La-Neuve
Unit of Physico-Chemistry and Physics of Materials (PCPM)
Place Croix du Sud, 1 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium Tel: (+0032) 010-478681
Fax: (+0032) 010-473452

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