Dear Pablo,

if you have delocalized state then usually the spin polarization energy 
will be small. Check the "ElectronicTemperature" option. Most probably you 
smeared the electrons between the spin up and spin down levels which 
halfly occupies both states. Lowering the smearing can result in other 
occupation but if the delocalization is strong then you will have this 
smearing effect even at 10 K. If you set T= 0K, however, can lead to 
convergency problems because your system is "metallic".

       Adam Gali 

Dr. Gali Ádám                            Adam Gali, PhD

Budapesti Műszaki és                     Department of Atomic Physics,
Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem,               Budapest University of Technology and
Atomfizika Tanszék                       Economics
Budapest, Budafoki út 8., 1111           Budafoki út 8., H-1111, Budapest,

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fax: 463-4357                            fax:  [36]-(1)-463-4357

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