Dear Xianlong,

If there is no spin orbit the direction of the spin is independent of the 
spatial orientation. What only matters is the relative orientation between 
different spins. I think that the possibility of including spin orbtit will be 
included in the official release of Siesta soon but in the meanwhile you may 
talk to Jaime Ferrer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) about it. 


 Dr. Victor Manuel Garcia Suarez
 Research Assistant   | Tlf: 0044 - (0)1524 593 995
 Physics Department   | Fax: 0044 - (0)1524 844 037
 Lancaster University | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster LA1 4YB    |      
 United Kingdom       |

-----Original Message-----
From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program, on 
behalf of John B. Baba
Sent: Wed 12/20/2006 07:02
Subject: [SIESTA-L] NonCollinearSpin
Dear All:
    I am a new SIESTA user. I am puzzled by the question about the SIESTA
 funtion of NonCollinearSpin.
    My question: When I set one atom with plus spin in the input file, but
I don't know which direction is the tolerent direction in SIESTA. If I
put atoms in line along the Z-axis and set them with a plus spin, then which
direction is the spins point at? Do they all point at z-dirction or
other directions?
    Hope for your help. Thank you very much.

                                    Sincerely: Xianlong Wang

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