Hi there......
Can i do a calculation  in  binary metallic system with two pseudos
generated one with LDA   and the other with GGA flavors ? (see bellow).

Au pb rel nc
ATM3      23-JAN-04 Troullier-Martins
6s 1.00r r= 2.44/6p 0.00r r= 2.95/5d10.00r r= 2.00/5f 0.00r r= 2.29/
  4  3 1212  0.313766098312E-04  0.125000000000E-01   11.0000000000

Pd ca rel pcec
ATM3      12-MAY-05 Troullier-Martins
5s 0.00r r= 2.27/5p 0.00r r= 2.45/4d10.00r r= 1.66/4f 0.00r r= 1.98/
  4  3 1169  0.538859168841E-04  0.125000000000E-01   10.0000000000

Should they be generated within the same scheme for to be used in the same calculation?

Any comments on this would be very appreciated.....

*    I P I C y T * Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y 
Tecnológica, AC
* Camino Presa San José 2055
* Lomas 4a. Secc., 78216
* San Luis Potosí, S. L. P. *        M E X I C O
* Tel.: [+52] (444) 834-2000, ext. 2035   * Fax:  [+52] (444) 834-2010
* http://www.ipicyt.edu.mx            http://materials.ipicyt.edu.mx

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